Wednesday, October 29, 2008


in a couple of weeks, a very dear friend, Sara will be participating in a fund raise/girls night out sorta thang for The Good Earth Day School. Her kiddos start attending next week, and she's already up to her elbows (literally) helping out. she'll be providing hand and foot massages as well as foot soaks and scrubs! she wanted to practice to make sure she could do it all and keep the line moving, so she oohhhhhh so sweetly invited her pregnant friends to be guinea pigs. yay! it ROCKS to be pregnant for so many reasons, but this is just gravy!

i joined other preggos....Heather, Andrea, Gale and two other mama's one very pregnant mama...due next week!....from the neighborhood, and Kristen from Manor. i'd met her at Sara's Memorial Day party, so it was super nice to see her again.

we ate, chatted, and were pampered. the water was just was Sara's touch, but that's not surprising. she's super duper gifted in all stuff good and fun...just don't ask about house cleaning...we are indeed sistas when it comes to that!

thanks for a LOVELY evening Sara, and making us all feel so special and delicate on our lily pads :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

why i take prenatal vitamins

1. i'm pregnant
2. i had chili cheese fries for lunch
3. with a side of jalapeƱo poppers

Monday, October 20, 2008

cold feet

ok, so we got a temporal thermometer. daryl was trying it out and it's pretty accurate..his temp was right at 98.5. then he put it on the end of my nose...79 and my big toe....74 degrees. my hands, nose and feet always feel cold and now there's proof.

i LOVE how silly he is...he's always making me laugh.

Friday, October 17, 2008


i am sad
and i don't know why

i realized
if i didn't miscarry in the spring
i'd have a newborn right now

that's just sad
i didn't expect it to hit me at all, much less hard
see what i know

i'm glad my mom is here to play with Mia
i just want to curl up in bed on this grey grey day

Thursday, October 16, 2008

the last bite

how often does this happen to you:
i was finishing lunch.
i was full.
i ate another bite.
then a few more.
now i'm stuffed and miserable.
(this just happened, so yes, i'm still stuffed.....BUT while browsing google images for a pic to use, i ran across the next shot. i could SOOOOoooo eat one of those cookies!)